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Shakugan no Shana Premium Booster

"Flame Haze" Shana [SS - SS/WE41-E15 N]

"Flame Haze" Shana [SS - SS/WE41-E15 N]

Regular price $1.00
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  • Rarity: Normal
  • #: SS/WE41-E15 N
  • Level: 3
  • Cost: 2
  • Soul: 2
  • Card Type: Character
  • Trait: Flame
  • Trait 2: Melon Bread
  • Color: Yellow
  • Power: 9500
  • Triggers: Soul
  • Card Text: [CONT] During your turn, this card gets +500 power for each of your other "Flame" characters.
    [AUTO] When this card is placed on the stage from your hand, you may put the top card of your clock into your waiting room.
    [AUTO] [CXCOMBO] [(1) Put 1 card from your hand into your waiting room] When this card's battle opponent becomes [REVERSE], if "Wanting to Conirm Her Feelings" is in your climax area, this card gets the color red until end of turn, and you may pay the cost up to 5 times. Perform the following action X times. "Put the bottom 3 cards of your opponent's deck into their waiting room. If there is a climax among those cards, deal 1 damage to your opponent." X is equal to the number of times you paid the cost +1. (Damage may be canceled)
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